Join a Team

Make no small plans – Think Big!

Primary working groups will respectively focus on efforts to Educate, Celebrate, and Commemorate our history.

Educate through historical presentations and programs, throughout the County, specifically in Adams County schools, and through other events featuring key people, places and events of the past 200 years.

Celebrate with events and gatherings where residents and visitors can come together to honor achievements and celebrate our shared history and promising future.

Commemorate the significance of Adams County’s Bicentennial, with legacy projects memorializing two centuries worth of contributions and achievements.

If you are interested in being part of a working group to help prepare for 2025, please fill out the form below.

Members and Meetings


WednesdayAugust 1020227:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdaySeptember 2120227:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayNovember 1620227:00 pmAgenda (Canceled)Minutes (Canceled)
TuesdayMarch 2120236:00 pmAgendaMinutes
 Wednesday June 212023 6:00 pm AgendaMinutes
WednesdaySeptember 2020236:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayDecember 1320236:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayFebruary 2120246:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayApril 2420246:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayJune 2620246:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayAugust 2120246:00 pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayOctober 2320246:00pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayDecember 1820246:00pmAgendaMinutes
WednesdayFebruary 1920256:00pmAgenda

Click here to view the complete Commission and Committee Schedule

Bicentennial Commission Executive Team

Chuck Scholz (Chairperson), Pam Shaffer (Vice-Chairperson), F. Bryden Cory (Treasurer), Joi Cuartero Austin (Secretary), Gary Farha, Ryan Niekamp, Mandar Dighe